Hello world! I am Hedi

This is my personal website

Know more about me


this website is my online resume where you'll find some general and professional information about me.

About me

General information

My full name is Hedi Ben Fraj, I am a 20 years old Tunisian citizen. My goal is to create an artificial general intelligence because it's more realistic than colonizing mars.

curricular information

I am currently studying second year integrated Preparatory to get my pre-engineering degree at the higher institue of applied science and technology in Sousse.

professional information

I am a front end developer and a graphic designer.

Front end development


Using the latest HTML version : HTML 5.


Using the latest Bootsrap version : Bootstrap 4.


Using the latest CSS version : CSS 3.

Graphic desgin

Adobe Photoshop

image editing for flyers, poster, etc...

Adobe Illustrator

Badges, gift cards, buisness card, design .